QDMI v1.1.0
Quantum Device Management Interface
No Matches

Together with QDMI, we provide a template meant to kick-start the implementation of a new device. The following sections describe how to set up and use the template.

Creating a new Project

The code for the template is contained in the template/ directory of the QDMI repository. To start a new project based on the template, perform the following CMake command from the main project directory. Keep in mind to replace the prefix and the path as desired. To follow the naming conventions in QDMI, pick a prefix with uppercase letters.

An internet connection is needed for this step as the QDMI repository will be fetched from GitHub.
cmake -DCONFIGURE_TEMPLATE=ON \ # activate template creation
-DTEMPLATE_PREFIX="PREFIX" \ # set your prefix here
-DTEMPLATE_PATH="path/to/dir" \ # set the path to your project
-S . -B build

This command adds a build/ directory to your project that stores all the build files. The configure step above only needs to be performed once. If the option TEMPLATE_PATH is not given it will be placed in PREFIX_qdmi_device relative to the parent directory where QDMI was cloned in. After this step you can directly start implementing your device in C++. If you want to implement in C, see also the next section. Example implementations are provided in the examples/ directory. See Examples for more information.

Configuring the Template

The default template is set up as a C++ project with the specified prefix. You can switch the project to a purely C project by setting the CXX_DEVICE option to OFF in the CMakeLists.txt file in the root directory of the template.

For stability, we recommend pinning the version of QDMI that you are using for your implementation. You can use any valid git tag, branch, or commit hash for that. To this end, adjust the QDMI_REV variable in cmake/ExternalDependecies.cmake as follows:

- set(QDMI_REV "develop"
+ set(QDMI_REV "v1.1.0"

When you want to change the prefix after the creation of the template, you need to change the prefix in a couple of places. We want to give you some hints where you have to change it, but depending on your personal project setup, they might be different or there might be more than the ones listed. All paths are given relative to the root of the template project directory.

  • CMakeLists.txt,
  • src/CMakeLists.txt: the target prefix_qdmi and prefix_qdmi.cpp
  • Rename src/prefix_qdmi.cpp accordingly
  • src/prefix_qdmi.cpp: adopt the includes and the prefix of each function
  • Rename test/test_prefix_qdmi.cpp accordingly
  • test/test_prefix_qdmi.cpp: adopt the includes and the prefix of each function

Working with the Template

The template is structured into three directories plus the top-level CMakeLists.txt. The top-level CMakeLists.txt contains settings for the entire project. Some additional CMake code that imports required dependencies is outsourced into cmake/.

The most important directory for your implementation is src/ and the .cpp file located in that directory. Here you find stubs for all functions that have to be implemented by a device. For every function the return QDMI_ERROR_NOTIMPLEMENTED; should be replaced by a proper implementation of the function. In particular, there should not be any computation path at the end that returns QDMI_ERROR_NOTIMPLEMENTED. Instead, some other error code from QDMI_STATUS should be returned in case of an erroneous state.

The implementation in the src/ directory is complemented with a testing framework in test/. The .cpp source file already contains some examples for tests. They are meant to serve as an inspiration, and more tests should be implemented to cover everything in your device implementation.

Building the Template and Running the Tests

All following commands are meant to be executed from the root directory of the template. After configuring your project (see Configuring the Template), you can build your project with the following command:

cmake --build build

If you only want to build a specific target, you can append, for example, --target prefix_device_test to the command above, which will build the tests. If you only want to build the device implementation, you can use --target prefix_qdmi.

To run the tests, perform the following command:

ctest --test-dir build

For more details on the development process, also check out the Development Guide.